Our Story...BeanTree Learning was founded and is owned by Jennifer Bower, mother of Grant. Jennifer returned to work when he was a baby and struggled each and every day, worried and wondering about whether Grant was being loved and taken care of the way she loved and took care of him. Were the teachers really interacting with him? Was he as safe as he possibly could be? As her days were spent with knots of worry in her stomach, the BeanTree Learning seed was being planted in Jennifer’s heart. Why couldn’t there be a place where parents didn’t have to worry? Why can’t there be a school where the educators, building, and programs are exactly what young children need to thrive?
BeanTree Learning grew out of a mother’s desire to provide the best possible place for her son. And now, with 25 years of experience in the education industry, Jennifer continues to lead the way, always searching for ways to improve our programs and the experiences of our special BeanTree Learning families.
We opened the BeanTree Learning | Ashburn Campus in January 2005. BeanTree offers exceptional care and education for children ages six weeks, to our fully accredited Kindergarten, as well as, Before and After School Care, and Summer Camp for children up to the age of 12.