Our BeanTree families—children, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and yes, even favorite stuffed “loveys”—are the heart of our school. These special relationships are cherished and nurtured through every stage one can imagine. From a child’s first day of school, to the birth of a sibling, and on to Kindergarten graduation and beyond, we know that we are family – extended family. Children often come back to visit after graduating, running into the open arms of a favorite teacher. It is that sense of family that drives us to be the very best. Our families come from many different backgrounds. We invite you to meet some of these special families. Read their quotes throughout the site. Find out more about why parents are choosing BeanTree for their child’s school experience.

Our BeanTree families—children, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and yes, even favorite stuffed “loveys”—are the heart of our school. These special relationships are cherished and nurtured through every stage one can imagine. From a child’s first day of school, to the birth of a sibling, and on to Kindergarten graduation and beyond, we know that we are family – extended family. Children often come back to visit after graduating, running into the open arms of a favorite teacher. It is that sense of family that drives us to be the very best. Our families come from many different backgrounds. We invite you to meet some of these special families. Read their quotes throughout the site. Find out more about why parents are choosing BeanTree for their child’s school experience.
Come. Take a tour and experience the BeanTree Difference.