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Preschool ll

Approximately 3.5 to 4.5 Years of Age

Literacy in the Preschool Classroom
These students are eager to learn and excited to share what they are learning – including reading, writing, science, social studies, and math! Teachers are able to spend more time on subjects, to delve more deeply into topics, and do more experiments. These students love creating their own games and engaging in imaginative play. In the Preschool II Program, there is a real joy in learning! Preschool II children move together in groups of 10 students with 1 teacher. Our preschool program in Northern VA suits the needs of any young learner!


Cognitive activities include daily lessons in:
  • Math
  • Social studies
  • Science
Language activities include:
  • Reading together and reviewing key components of a book such as sight words and punctuation
  • Writing in journals
  • Continuing to focus on letter identification and sounds
Fine motor activities include:
  • Writing on lined paper
  • Using magnet letters
  • Using stampers for letters and sounds
Gross motor activities include:
  • Riding scooters on the playground
  • Group games like relay races and tag
  • Kicking balls
Social/emotional activities include:
  • Assuming a class job or role
  • Working in small groups
  • Problem-solving social situations with friends
Art activities include:
  • Constructing Papier-mâché objects
  • Making books with illustrations
  • Creating self-portraits
Music activities include:
  • Learning musical language like “forte” or “allegro”
  • Keeping a steady rhythm
  • Exploring music and instruments from different cultures
Spanish activities include:
  • Labeling objects
  • Signing songs
  • Learning about the calendar and weather
Technology activities include:
  • Using Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Beginning keyboarding
  • Mastering use of the mouse
  • Playing educational games

What do you think your child will enjoy learning the most?